Kingdom Academy, Children’s Center & Infirmary
Revitalizing a community through education and a safe haven.
Kingdom Academy
Darius & Suendy Ernst, Jaimie & Zaire Martin, and Damaris Malpica are the founders of the Kingdom Academy and its tutoring program. Together we have a vision of restoring the family through the Children’s Center and infirmary. Attached to the children’s center is a two-room infirmary. General healthcare is provided through medical and dental outreach teams throughout the year. Transportation to doctors and hospitals and over the counter medication is provided on an as needed basis.
Capstone Publishing
Capstone Publishing fell in love with the people of Cuna Maya/Yucatan and have since invested thousands of dollars in children’s books and programs for the community. They built eight free Little Libraries, built a classroom in the children’s home and have provided all the monies needed to build a fully functional library. The library will be equipped with computers, printer, projector, speakers, books and, one day, a secure satellite internet connection.